
Saturday 26 October 2013

Crystal Maiden: Farming Jungle

Crystal Maiden can do jungle using Frostbite by luring the Jungle creep out and Frostbite the strongest creep attack till it has low life and finish off the weaker creep.                                                                                  

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Dota 2: Clockwerk Rocket Trick

  • A way to let your Enemy to unable to pull creep.
-Without using the Observer ward also able to let enemy unable to pull creep.
-You will need timing for this.If not it doesn't work.

*Here is a short video for you to understand.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Dota 2: Blocking Of Roshan

A way to Kill Roshan. Early Game.
-Hero needed: Venomancer, Queen Of Pain, Luna, Vengeful Spirit and Drow/Doom.
See this Video.

Monday 21 October 2013

Guide: Dota Beginner

  • Understanding of Keyboard of Dota Keys.
-A is Attack.(You can use "A" on the Keyboard to choose the Target you want to attack.By all mean, use "A" to deny the Allied Creep, so that your enemies earn lesser Experience.)
-S is Stop.(Use it Mainly to get Last Hits, like example of a Enemy Creep with half HP.Keep pressing on S till you think you able to do the Last Hit.
-H is Hold Position(Hold Position is to use it for Jungle and don't really needed to use it on Lane.When press H your Hero would be standing on the same spot without moving.

Q, W, E, R is Keys that we use for Skills.But can be change to different Keys.

Other Keys can be understood from the Setting.

Sunday 20 October 2013

Nyx Assassin: Avoiding Spiked Carapace

  • How to not get hurt from the Nyx Assassin Spiked Carapace?
-When you get yourself invulnerable. But for certain heroes that can not get hurt from Spiked Carapace.The heroes are Storm Spirit, Puck , Morphling , Lina(Need Item Eul's Scepter of Divinity).

  • Here's a Video that show about it.

Spirit Breaker Items and Skills Trick in Dota 2

I would like to teach something, quite Unique bug i found out quite long ago of Dota 2.
Spirit Breaker while charging before it even reach the enemy that he charged he could use Items like Mask of Madness , Shadow Blade , Black King Bar , Armlet of Mordiggian , Things that can be activated.

It was a very cool idea that i found out , When charging i use Shadow Blade nobody from enemies team know i was charging.My Spirit Breaker wasn't hurt by stun before i reached to bash him.

This Picture shows the Spirit Breaker charging with Shadow Blade Activated.

Saturday 19 October 2013

Io The Wisp Jungling Till Level 6

  • Io The Wisp Jungling From Level 1 To 6(Skill Guide)
Level 1-Spirit
Level 2-Tether
Level 3-Spirit
Level 4-Tether or Overcharge
Level 5-Spirit
Level 6-Relocate

*A Short Video Showing How Io Jungle.